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Mission Statement
Support, Education, and Advocacy

We're here to provide support to families and friends of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender individuals, to educate the world about homosexuality, and to advocate equal rights for ALL human beings, regardless of their race, creed, color, or sexual orientation.



For all post-10% GLBTs, parents, friends, and straight spouses.
Pride Alliance is here to Educate, Support & Advocate


Some points to carefully consider
Have you ever been denied the right or opportunity to:

  • Visit your partner, or make decisions on his or her behalf,
          in a medical emergency

  • Been denied "family" rates for membership in a recreational facility.

  • Take family and medical leave to care for a seriously ill partner
    or his or her parent

  • Continue health insurance through a COBRA plan after the loss of a job

  • Petition for a same-sex partner to immigrate

  • Become a legal parent of a child you and your partner
          are raising together

  • Maintain custody of a child based solely on your
          sexual orientation or gender identity

  • Visit or reside with a partner in a nursing home,
          retirement home or assisted living center

  • Receive Social Security benefits after the death of a partner

  • Assume a partner’s retirement or pension benefits
          without added tax penalties

  • Inherit a partner’s property in the absence of a will

  • Other protections granted married heterosexual couples under law

  • Share an apartment or rental house together.

Ten Ways To Fight Hatred

1. ACT - Do something. In the face of hatred, apathy will be interpreted as acceptance - by the haters, the public, and worse, the victim. Decency must be exercised too. If it isn't, hate invariably persists.

2. UNITE - Call a friend or co-worker. Organize a group of allies from churches, schools, clubs, and other civic sources. Create a diverse coalition. Include children, police, and the media. Gather ideas from everyone, and get everyone involved.

3. SUPPORT THE VICTIMS - Hate-crime victims are especially vulnerable, fearful, and alone. Let them know you care. Surround them with people they feel comfortable with. If you're a victim, report every incident and ask for help.

4. DO YOUR HOMEWORK - Determine if a hate group is involved, and research its symbols and agenda. Seek advice from anti-hate organizations. Accurate information can then be spread to the community.

5. CREATE AN ALTERNATIVE - Do NOT attend a hate rally. Find another outlet for anger and frustration and people's desire to do something. Hold a unity rally or parade. Find a news hook, like a "hate free zone".

6. SPEAK UP - You, too have First Amendent rights. Hate must be exposed and denounced. Buy an ad. Help news organizations achieve balance and depth. Do not debate hate mongers in conflict driven talk shows.

7. LOBBY LEADERS - Persuade politicians, business and community leaders to take a stand against hate. Early action creates a positive reputation for the community, while unanswered hate will eventually be bad for business.

8. LOOK LONG RANGE - Create a "bias response" team. Hold annual events, such as a parade or culture fair, to celebrate your community's diversity and harmony. Build something the community needs. Create a web.

9. TEACH TOLERANCE - Bias is learned early, usually at home. But children from different cultures can be influenced by school programs and curricula. Sponsor an "I have a dream" contest. Target youths who may be tempted by skinheads or other hate groups.

10. DIG DEEPER - Look into issues that divide us: economic inequality, immigration, homosexuality. Work against discrimination in housing, employment, and education. Look inside yourself for prejudices and stereotypes.

( As printed in the second edition of the "Community Response Guide" of the Southern Poverty Law Center. )


Personal Education and Reflection
The GF PFLAG maintains a reference library for your personal use.
A collection of books and video tapes are available for
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered persons, their parents and friends
Use of the library is run on an "honor system"
If you borrow an item, please be sure to return it.

" Were there none who were discontented
with what they have
the world would never reach anything better."
Florence Nightingale
English nursing pioneer


Beyond Acceptance, Carolyn Welch Griffin,Marian J. Wirth

Coming out as Parents: You and Your Homosexual Child, David K. Switzer

Ellen: The Real Story of Ellen DeGeneres, Kathleen Tracy

**The Family Heart: A Memoir of When Our Son Came Out, Robb Forman Dew

Family Outing, Chastity Bono,Billie Fitzpatrick

**Just A Mom, Betty DeGeneres

**Love, Ellen: A Mother/Daughter Journal, Betty DeGeneres

My Point...and I Do Have One, Ellen DeGeneres

Now That You Know: A Parent's Guide to Understanding
Their Gay and Lesbian Children, Betty Fairchild, Nancy Hayward

Outing Yourself: How to Come out as Lesbian or Gay
to Your Family, Friends, and Coworkers, Michelangelo Signorile

Something to Tell You: The Road Families Travel
When a Child Is Gay,
Gilbert Herdt, Bruce Koff, Paul Beeman

Straight Parents Gay Children: Inspiring Families to Live Honestly
and with Greater Understanding, Robert A. Bernstein


pflag Links to other sites on the Webpflag
pflag National PFLAG
pflag UND 10% Website
pflag Fargo/Moorhead PFLAG

FM Pride, email Bob Uebel at fmpride@pridecollective.com. pflag Rural Gay website
pflag In The Life TV Magazine
pflag Common Questions re:Homosexuality
pflag My Child Is Gay: What Do I Do?
pflag Surviving Family Gatherings / Holidays
pflag Straight Spouse Network
pflag GLAAD
pflag Human Rights Campaign
pflag Twin Cities Pride
pflag Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere (COLAGE)
pflag American Academy of Pediatrics pflag
Policy Statement: Coparent or Second-Parent Adoption
by Same-Sex Parents


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